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ville de manhattan

Manhattan : A city that inspires pop culture.

Manhattan the Crossroads of the World.

Manhattan is one of the five boroughs of New York City, the other four being the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island.

Manhattan is best known for its famous Central Park,

central park

Central Park

Which is also home to one of the most famous and lively squares in the world: Times Square. It has become known as the Crossroads of the world , where approximately 365,000 people pass through each day.

photo de times square

Times Square

It also boasts the famous Broadway theatre district, where many people attempt to make a career, yet few succeed.

photo de Broadway

Broadway Avenue

Manhattan the city that touches the skies.

Manhattan is home to world-famous skyscrapers such as,

photo de l'Empire State building

The empire State Building

photo du Chrysler building

The Chrysler Building

photo du Comcast building

The Comcast Building

and the more recent :

photo du One World Trade Center

The One World Trade Center

This recent tower was built following the attacks of 11 September 2001 and was nicknamed "Freedom Tower" , the same as the twin north tower of the World Trade Center.

photo des tours jumelles

The twin towers

Why I chose Manhattan.

I chose to talk to you about Manhattan thanks to its significant influence over pop culture. First of all, it's important to know that Gotham City, which is the city in which we follow all the Batman stories, is strongly inspired by Manhattan.

photo de Gotham City

For more information on Batman, click here.

Furthermore, the city is of central importance in the world-famous video game GTA IV in which Manhattan acts as the setting for the game.

photo de Liberty City

Liberty City

Yet another instance where the city is relevant can be seen in the 2005 film “King Kong” where Kong climbs the Empire State Building and is shot at by the military, a scene in the film that remains iconic to this day.

image de king kong au sommet de l'empire state building

Image of King Kong on top of the empire State Building

Evolution of the city

photo de Manhattan en 1936

Manhattan in 1936 photo entitled The connected city

photo de Manhattan en 1950

Manhattan in 1950

photo de Manhattan en 1972

Manhattan in 1972 at the end of the construction of the twin towers

photo de Manhattan lors des attentas de 2001

Manhattan in 2001 during the terrorist attacks

photo de Manhattan en 2022

Manhattan in 2022